Thank you so much to all of our supporters! In just 3 days we've raised over $2,000! Let's keep going and blow past our goal!
Way to go everyone! We're halfway to a used van! If we keep this up, we can start setting our goals even higher! Special thanks to Doug Hoff and Brenda Frese for their generous donations!
Way to go, we've reached $6,000! Let's see if we can reach $8,000 so we can raise our goal!
We've made it to $8,000! Thanks to all of our supporters for their generous donations! We're increasing our goal so that we can get a brand new van instead of a used one through the university! Let's go Terps!
Thank you so much for your continued support! Even though our goal is still set for $8,000 on this page, we are still going for our stretch goal to purchase a brand new van! Spread the word, and remember that even though the status bar says we've met our goal, we still need your support!
Thanks to some very generous donors today, we've passed $18,000! Special thanks to Coach Randy Edsall for his donation of $3,000; it really means a lot. Thank you all for your continued support!
Thank you all for your huge support! We've been able to raise over $20,000, and we're so close to our goal. Please help us out and spread the word that there's less than a week to donate! Let's go Terps!
Thanks to all of our fantastic donors, we have raised over $25,000! We are so grateful for all of your kindness and support. We still have a few days left, and we'd like to keep accepting donations that can be used to further aid the Mighty Sound of Maryland. Thank you all for your love and support!
Thank you all so much for your support for this amazingly successful campaign; we set our original goal for a used van, and we quickly blew past it. We then set out to reach $25,000 for a new vehicle, but the support didn't stop there. We were able to reach $30,330 in just over a month! We appreciate all of the support from each and every one of you, and we hope you can come out and see us next season in the Big Ten! Donors, keep an eye out for more information about your prizes! Thanks again, and go Terps!
Invitation to come to a rehearsal and watch from the lift with the directors.