Fifty dollars will allow us to purchase Glutaraldehyde fixative
Seventy dollars will allow us to purchase freeze dried Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Eighty dollars will allow us to purchase Tryptic Soy Broth for our culture media
One hundred dollars allows us to purchase entrance tickets to tour the Kennedy Space Center and other logistical necessities
One hundred and fifty dollars will allow us to purchase a FilmTracer™ SYPRO® Ruby Biofilm Matrix Stain
Three hundred dollars will allow us to attend the launch on Space X-12 in Florida. We will acknowledge your contribution by name in posters, presentations, and journal publications associated with this project
Six hundred dollars will not only fund our transportation to Florida for the launch but also a FilmTracer™ LIVE⁄DEAD Biofilm Viability kit. We will acknowledge your contribution by name in posters, presentation, and journal publications associated with this project.