Substantiating Alternative Integrated Nanotherapy Technology

Raised toward our $4,000 Goal
1 Donors
days left
Project ends on April 04, at 12:00 AM EDT
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2 hours ago
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Support Team SAINT

Your donation will allow us to accrue more fundamental components to test different concentrations and compositions of nanoparticle drugs, such as phosphocholine.


Support Team SAINT

Your donation will allow us to obtain more components to test different prototypes of microfluidic devices for mass production of nanoparticle drugs.


Support Team SAINT

Your donation will allow us to move one step forward with conducting our cell assays for in vitro testing of our nanoparticle drugs.


Support Team SAINT

Your donation will allow us to move on step forward with conducting our cell assays for in vitro testing of our nanoparticle drugs.

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