This donation will help us purchase gloves, goggles, and lab coats. We will send an email detailing our progress and our use of your donation.
This donation will help us purchase pipettes, weighing boats, and other measuring tools for our laboratory work. We will send you a signed card expressing our gratitude for your donation.
This will help purchase glassware such as beakers, flasks, and graduated cylinders. We will give a shout out on our social media platforms expressing our gratitude for your donation.
This donation will help us purchase chemicals necessary to conduct our experiments. You will receive a team photo, signed by us expressing our gratitude for your donation.
This donation will help us purchase the equipment necessary to analyze our results. You will receive an acknowledgement of your donation on our thesis presentation.
This donation will help us purchase our enzymes that we will be using to test our hypothesis. You will receive acknowledgement of your donation on our thesis paper and we will send a copy as a thank you.