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Team Drive- Expanding the Scope of Hybrid Technology

Raised toward our $4,500 Goal
134 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on March 17, at 11:59 PM EDT
Project Owners

Thank you!

March 09, 2017

Wow! We reached our goal with many days to spare. Thank you to everyone who donated it could not have been done without your help. Although we have reached our initial goal, we still need all the help we can get. Anyone still interested in donating can still donate until the end of the Launch period, which is another 8 days! Team Drive greatly appreciates the support of our donors towards our research. 

On behalf of Team Drive,

Thank you!

Crossed Halfway!

March 01, 2017

Hello everyone! Thanks to everyone who has donated so far. We have received numerous donations from over 30+ different donors. Every dollar will be helpful to get our materials and continue our research. We have just crossed the halfway milestone for our end goal and hope to keep our progress going as we enter the second half of our Launch campaign. Please continue to share and spread the word so we can reach our goal of $4,500! 

On behalf of Team Drive,

Thank you!

Choose a giving level



This donation will help us purchase shaft collars and stock material for constructing the power train of the test rig. For this donation, you will receive a personalized email. Thank you!



With this donation we will be able to purchase pulleys, sprockets, and belts for the gear system of our test rig. For this donation, you will receive a social media shout out from our Facebook page. Thank you!



With this donation we will be able to purchase stock material for our rotor prototypes, along with refurbished alternators. For this donation, you will receive a signed handwritten thank you note. Thank you!


Test Rig

With this donation we will be able to purchase higher quality alternators. For this contribution you will receive a custom Team DRIVE bumper sticker. Thank you!


Drive Shaft

With this donation we will be able to work towards purchasing a torque transducer for our test rig. For this donation, you will receive acknowledgement in all of our future presentations. Thank you!


Hybrid Vehicle

With this donation we will be able to work towards purchasing a torque transducer for our test rig. For this donation, you will receive a signed copy of our final thesis when we graduate in May 2018. Thanks a truckload!

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