Hi everyone:
Thank you so much- we have raised $1,980 with your help! We’re almost halfway to our goal with only 15 days left in our campaign, so please keep on sharing and spreading the word. Every dollar counts in helping us continue our research. We really appreciate your support!
A donation of $5 can contribute towards the purchase of basic lab supplies such as pipette tips and laboratory gloves. These supplies prevent against the risk of contamination and ensures the safety of our team members when in the lab.
A donation of $10 will help us purchase basic chemical ingredients, such as tryptone or yeast extract, to make the growth media used to test bacteria in our experiments.
A donation of $25 can contribute towards the purchase of control antibiotics, such as Penicillin/Streptomycin. These allow us to compare the effectiveness of our treatment against current industry standards, which is essential to our goal of developing a new treatment/product. To thank you for your contribution, we will send you a Team GOLD laptop sticker.
A donation of $50 can contribute towards the purchase of gallium chloride, which is a key ingredient to making the Ga-DFO treatment that we are researching. We will send you a Team GOLD laptop sticker along with a thank you note signed by all our team members to thank you for your support!
A $100 donation will contribute towards travel funds, allowing us to present our research. We hope to present our findings at scientific conferences around the country. To thank you for your support, we will include your contribution on our team website!
A $250 donation can purchase a human embryonic kidney cell line, which we use to test the efficacy of our treatment in mammalian environments. This is important to determining the possible applicability of our treatment. To thank you for your support, you will be recognized in our future presentations.
A donation of $500 will go towards the purchase of the more costly materials required for our project. For example, fetal bovine serum (FBS), which is used to grow mammalian cells, can cost up to $600 for just 500 mL! As a thank you for your support, you will receive an invitation to our Senior Thesis Conference and a hard copy of our final thesis.