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This project is now in update mode. Check back regularly to see how things are progressing.

Filling the Gaps in Disordered Eating Research

Raised toward our $1,000 Goal
21 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on December 29, at 11:59 PM EST
Project Owners

Thank you for all your support!

November 30, 2022

Thank you to everyone who supported Team UNITED through donations, sharing our launch UMD page, and setting aside time to learn about our project! We are very grateful and amazed by the support we received on Giving Tuesday. Thanks to your support, Team UNITED will be able to continue with our project timeline.

We are still accepting donations until December 29. Please share our Launch UMD page with any colleagues who may be interested in learning about our project.

Thank you so much!

Choose a giving level



This donation tier will help UNITED advertise and outreach their survey to the UMD Campus.


Software Acquisition

This donation tier will help UNITED acquire access to software that will effectively analyze survey results for trends and correlations.



This donation tier will help UNITED attend various conferences to share our findings in various communities.



This donation Tier will help UNITED publish its research in academic journals.

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