Welcome! Please consider supporting the ODI Fund this Giving Tuesday.
The ODI Fund supports the Office of Diversity & Inclusion and its reporting units:
and projects that serve everyone at UMD, such as:
Our staff supports the campus in so many other ways, both big and small, and we want to do our best to support them in all they do. Your Giving Tuesday gift will help support our work building a more diverse, equitable and inclusive UMD.
Any amount is deeply appreciated! Thank you for your partnership!
Gifts in support of the University of Maryland are accepted and managed by the University of Maryland College Park Foundation, Inc., an affiliated 501(c)(3) organization authorized by the Board of Regents. Contributions to the University of Maryland are tax deductible as allowed by law. Please see your tax advisor for details.
A gift of $50 is a great way to show your support! This amount may cover materials for a tabling event to spread the word about our services. Rock on!
A gift of $100 is meaningful! This amount may support closed captioning for a video recording of a Zoom event so those who couldn't attend can still participate and learn. Thank you!
A gift of $250 is awesome! This amount may support interpreting AND captioning for an event or series. We are grateful!
A gift of $500 is incredible! This amount may help provide speakers' fees for a program or event so we can honor our speakers' labor. Thank you!
A gift of $1,000 is very generous! This amount may help us support multiple programs or events and is a real statement of commitment to our mission. Thank you, thank you!