Methane, a greenhouse gas far more potent than carbon dioxide, is one of the leading causes of global warming. In the United States, landfills, cows, natural gas systems and other sources of pollution emit an amount of methane that has the same effect on global warming as 60 million households. Currently, there is no cost effective way of removing methane from the atmosphere. Due to methane’s adverse effects on the environment, the government has ordered landfills to fund the construction of large systems of pipes to collect and burn their methane. Unfortunately, cows, natural gas systems, and most other sources release methane in dilute quantities that cannot be controlled. This allows methane to accumulate in the atmosphere, where it traps harmful radiation, contributing to global warming and deteriorating the health of our planet.
This year, UMaryland iGEM team seeks to mitigate global warming by finding a more effective way to degrade methane using biology. In nature, microorganisms called methanotrophs eat methane from the atmosphere, but they are very fragile and inefficient. Using the approach of synthetic biology, which views organisms as machines that are programmed by DNA, our team aspires to borrow parts from methanotrophs to construct a more effective biological machine to remove methane. If our project succeeds, we will have created a new type of cell that can consume methane at the source, whether it be a landfill, a cow, or a natural gas system.
The UMaryland iGEM team is led by its students and has shown exceptional promise with its gold-medal winning projects in previous years. Everything from choosing the research project, to purchasing lab equipment, to engaging the community in our research rests on the shoulders of our undergraduate members. Our team therefore depends upon the generosity and support of the University of Maryland community in order to make our research and outreach goals come to fruition. Your donations will also allow us to travel to the annual iGEM competition held in Boston, where we will present the results of our hard work to an international panel of leaders in the synthetic biology community.
Gifts in support of the University of Maryland are accepted and managed by the University of Maryland College Park Foundation, Inc., an affiliated 501(c)(3) organization authorized by the Board of Regents. Contributions to the University of Maryland are tax deductible as allowed by law. Please see your tax advisor for details.
Thank you for your donation! We appreciate your support! You have unlocked a box of 96 pipette tips for us! These allow us to manipulate precise quantities of DNA, which allows for a better project!
Thank you for your donation! We appreciate your support! You have unlocked 500 mL of LB Broth for us! This media allows us to provide proper nutrition to grow our cells in. We'll make sure to recognize you on our Facebook and Instagram feeds!
Thank you for your donation! We appreciate your support! You have unlocked 50,000 units of restriction enzymes! These allow us to customize our cell's DNA in order to accomplish our goal. For your help, in addition to previous perks, we will recognize you as a sponsor on our wiki!
Thank you for your donation! We appreciate your support! You have unlocked 500 base pairs of DNA for us! These allow us to give our cells new functions. In addition to previous perks, we'll see to it that you will be mentioned in our team video!
Thank you for your donation! We appreciate your support! You have unlocked billions of cells for us! With these cells, we can engineer a biological machine that can metabolize methane and help put an end to global warming. For backing us, in addition to previous perks, your name will appear on our backs, namely the backs of our t-shirts!
What a boss! You have unlocked a bioreactor for us! This allows us to place our cells in an environment where we can test their abilities. This component essentially brings our project to life! In addition to previous perks, we'll make sure to recognize your support as a sponsor on our poster and live presentation!
You are my favorite. Thanks to your donation, you have unlocked one undergraduate researcher's attendance to the fall jamboree! Because of you, one lucky iGEM member is able to demonstrate their work at the international conference. In addition to all previous perks, you'll be the subject of a special video by UMaryland iGEM!