What drives all good creative writing! We can't do it without you. $10 supports one student's publication of a full-color zine!
Language happens. You make it happen. $20 supports one student's entire chapbook project!
We know you when we see you. Readers will always love you. $50.00 supports large size paper and toner for Terpoets publicity posters!
You, dear poem, have saved many lives, both of writers and readers. We thank you. $100. buys a B&W toner-cartridge capable of printing 9000 pages!
From griots forward through all oral and written forms, humanity finds you to be a neccessity! $250. purchases COLOR cartridges in cyan, magenta, and yellow capable of printing 2500 pages each!
We may be reading you on the page or the screen, but you live in our bodies. Rhythm of breath and heartbeat, you are vital. $500 buys one of our two computers!
We lose ourselves in your pages, miss the bus stop, forget the appointment. One might say we live your life while reading you. $1000 purchases our copier/scanner/printer!