Our Research
Autism spectrum disorders (ASD), although widely varied, are generally characterized by repetitive behaviors and impaired social communication. Since the official discovery of ASD in 1943, there has been much research into the causes and symptoms of this neurodiversity. However, there is still progress to be made. New research has indicated excitotoxicity in the brain as one possible pathology of autism, a phenomenon in which neurons are so over-excited that they malfunction and can potentially die. Although this explanation does not come close to encompassing the complexity of autism, it could play a prominent role in the manifestation of ASD. Fortunately, there are a few potential drugs that show promise of lessening excitotoxicity through other neural pathways. Our team is hoping to measure the effects of these potential treatments on excitotoxicity in autistic rodent models. Our purpose is not to find a cure for autism, but rather to find a more effective pharmaceutical option that can be used in conjunction with behavioral therapies.
Our Team
Team ACID is a part of the Gemstone Honors Program, a unique multidisciplinary four-year research program. The team consists of ten students: Mishal Ahmad, Kayla Foster, Abby Hansen, Brennan Holloway, Matthew Lee, Alan Mohammed, Matthew Morell, Vu Nguyen, Caroline Olson, and Lucas Pascale. With a variety of majors and backgrounds, Team ACID brings a wide range of perspectives and skills to our research.
Why We Need You
As an undergraduate research team, our resources are limited. The cost of research materials adds up, from small beakers to the actual mouse models we’ll be using. That’s why we need you. Every contribution, regardless of the amount, will help us reach our goal of $5000. We’re passionate about this cause and are kindly asking you to join us in our mission of revolutionizing autism research. Thank you in advance for your support!
Gifts in support of the University of Maryland are accepted and managed by the University of Maryland College Park Foundation, Inc., an affiliated 501(c)(3) organization authorized by the Board of Regents. Contributions to the University of Maryland are tax deductible as allowed by law. Please see your tax advisor for details.
This contribution will help us purchase assays, pipettes, glassware, and other small research materials. Can’t forget about the little things!
This contribution will assist us with animal husbandry, including a regular diet and grooming. Buy our mice a nice haircut or a four-course meal!
This contribution will assist in providing housing for our mouse models. Maybe a condo with a view? Nice apartment in the city? You decide!
This contribution will help us purchase the different novel drug treatments we’ll be investigating. Donate this amount and you’ll be recognized on our website and in future presentations as a prominent donor!
Every donation of $250 will allow us to obtain a mutant mouse that models autism behaviors. Donate this amount and we’ll invite you to our Senior Thesis Conference!